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主要从事应用环境微生物技术,工业废水生物处理污染物降解等方面研究。自2010 年工作起,就带领员工开展偶氮染料高效脱色功能菌种筛选、印染废水水解酸化脱色微生物作用机制、水解酸化过程生物强化和激活调控、不同糖源共代谢脱色偶氮染料效能差异机制等方面研究工作。参与了国家重点研发计划子课题项目,环保部印染工业排污许可相关技术规范,国家面上基金等多项国家级项目。主持完成中央高校专项资金2 项,上海市自然科学基金青年项目1 项、教育部博士点基金项目1 项,国家自然科学青年基金1项。已发表学术论文66篇,其中SCI 论文32篇、EI论文8篇。已授权国家发明专利9项、实用新型专利2项,另申请国家发明专利9项。

2007/9 - 2010/6,大阳城集团娱乐网站,环境科学与工程,博士,

2004/9 - 2007/6,中南大学,微生物学,硕士,

2000/9 - 2004/6,中南大学,生物工程,学士。


2016/9 - 至今,大阳城集团娱乐网站,大阳城集团娱乐网站环境科学系副教授。

2016/8 - 2017/8美国加州大学戴维斯分校,College of Land, Air and Water ResourcesKate Scow教授实验室,访问学者。

2010/7 - 2016/7,大阳城集团娱乐网站,大阳城集团娱乐网站环境科学系,讲师

2012/7 - 2013/7清华大学,大阳城集团娱乐网站,胡洪营教授实验室,访问学者。






1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目(2232019D-22):不同基质条件下菌群共代谢降解染料的分子生物学差异机理研究,主持。

2. 国家环保部,全国第二次污染源普查纺织及服装服饰行业产排污核算项目,参与。

3. 国家重点研发计划项目“纺织火电行业水资源高效循环与资源回收技术及示范”子课题一“典型纺织染整废水增效强化处理技术与示范”(2016YFC0400501),参与。

4. 国家环保部环境保护标准项目,印染工业排污许可相关技术规范,参与。

5. 国家自然基金青年基金项目(51508083):功能菌群利用不同糖源共代谢脱色偶氮染料效能差异机制研究,主持。

6. 教育部博士点基金新教师类项目(20120075120014):基于分子生物学的印染废水生物处理高效功能性优势菌群的筛选与应用,主持。

7. 上海市环保局重大项目:上海市新型污染物排放现状、环境风险评估与 控制方案研究,参与。

8. 上海市自然科学基金青年项目(12ZR1440400):印染废水处理高效功能性优势菌群的筛选及其结构与功能相互作用研究,主持。


1. Xiulin Zheng, Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Yanbiao Liu, Junhao Cong, Jiao Fan, Yingrong Fang, Liu Na, He Zhenjiang, Liu Jianshe. Deciphering the mechanism of carbon sources inhibiting recolorization in the removal of refractory dye: Based on an untargeted LC-MS metabolomics approach. Bioresurce Technology2020, 307 (123248): 1-12. (SCI, IF=7.08)

2. Qingyun Zhang, Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Yanbiao Liu, Xiulin Zheng, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Chengzhi Yu, Na Liu, Wolfgang Sand, Jianshe Liu. Co-metabolic degradation of refractory dye: A metagenomic and metaproteomic study. Environmental Pollution2020, 256 (113456): 1-12. (SCI, IF = 5.714)

3. Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Xiulin Zheng, Chengzhi Yu, Qingyun Zhang, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Na Liu, Zhenjiang He, Bo Yang, Jianshe Liu. High-efficient biodegradation of refractory dye by a new bacterial flora DDMY1 under different conditions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology2020, 17(3): 1491–1502. (SCI, IF = 2.031)

4. Qingyun Zhang, Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author), Yanbiao Liu, Xiulin Zheng, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Chengzhi Yu, Na Liu, Jianshe Liu, Wolfgang Sand. Fructose as an Additional Co-Metabolite Promotes Refractory Dye Degradation: Performance and Mechanism. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 280: 430–440. (SCI, IF=7.08)

5. Xiulin Zheng, Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Chengzhi Yu, Qingyun Zhang, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Na Liu, Zhenjiang He, Bo Yang*, Jianshe Liu. Unveiling the activating mechanism of tea residue for boosting the biological decolorization performance of refractory dye. Chemosphere. 2019, 110-119. (SCI, IF=5.108)

6. Qingyun Zhang, Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Yanbiao Liu, Xiulin Zheng, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Chengzhi Yu, Na Liu, Zhenjiang He, Jianshe Liu, Wolfgang Sand. Sugar sources as co-substrates promoting the degradation of refractory dye:A comparative study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2019, 184: (109613): 1-10. (SCI, IF = 4.527)

7. Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Xiulin Zheng, Chengzhi Yu, Qingyun Zhang, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Na Liu, Zhenjiang He, Bo Yang*, Jianshe Liu. Highly efficient biodegradation of reactive blue 19 under the activation of tea residue by a newly screened mixed bacterial flora DDMY2. RSC Advances. 2019, 9 (43): 24791-24801. (SCI, IF=3.16)

8. Xuehui Xie(corresponding author), Xiulin Zheng, Chengzhi Yu, Qingyun Zhang, Yiqin Wang, Junhao Cong, Na Liu, Zhenjiang He, Bo Yang*, Jianshe Liu. Tea residue boosts dye decolorization and induces the evolution of bacterial community. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution2019,230. (SCI, IF = 1.774)

9. Xuehui Xie, Na Liu*, Jing Ping, Qingyun Zhang, Xiulin Zheng, Jianshe Liu*. Illumina MiSeq Sequencing reveals microbial community in HA process for dyeing wastewater treatment fed with different co-substrates. Chemosphere. 2018, 201: 578-585. (SCI, IF=5.108)

10. Xuehui Xie, Na Liu*, Fang Yang, Qingyun Zhang, Xiulin Zheng, Jianshe Liu*. Comparative study of antiestrogenic activity of two different dyes after fenton oxidation and biological degradation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2018, 164: 416–424. (SCI, IF=4.527)

11. Na Liu, Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author), Chengzhi Yu and Jianshe Liu*. Performance and microbial community structures of hydrolysis acidification process treating azo and anthraquinone dyes in different stages. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24: 252-263. (SCI, IF= 2.800)

12. Ping Jing, Zhengjiang He, Jianshe Liu*Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author). Smartphone-based colorimetric chiral recognition of ibuprofen using aptamers-capped gold nanoparticles. Electrophoresis2017, 1: 1-10. (SCI, IF=3.161)

13. Qing Tian, Say Kee Ong, Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author), Fang Li, Yanbin Zhu, Fengrui Wang, Bo Yang. Enhanced phosphorus recovery and microbial biofilm community changes in an Alternating Anaerobic/Aerobic Biofilter. Chemosphere. 2016, 144: 1797-1806. (SCI, IF= 4.427)

14. Na Liu, Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author), Hong Jiang, Fang Yang, Chengzhi Yu and Jianshe Liu. Characteristics of estrogenic/antiestrogenic activities during the anoxic/aerobic biotreatment process of simulated textile dyeing wastewater. RSC Advances. 2016, 6: 25624-25632. (SCI, IF= 3.84)

15. Xuehui Xie* (corresponding author), Na Liu, Bo Yang, Fang Yang, Jianshe Liu. Comparison of microbial community in hydrolysis acidification reactor depending on different structure dyes by Illumina MiSeq Sequencing. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation. 2016, 111: 14-21. (SCI, IF= 3.562)

16. Xuewu Yuan, Xuehui Xie*corresponding author, Fengxia Fan,Wengxiang Zhu, Na Liu, Jianshe Liu*. Effects of mutation on a new strain Leptospirillum ferriphilum YXW and bioleaching of gold ore. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2013, 23(9): 2751-2758. (SCI, IF=1.34) 

17. Xuehui Xie, Xuewu Yuan, Na Liu, Xiaoguang Chen, Awad Abdelgadir, and Jianshe Liu*. Bioleaching of Arsenic-Rich Gold Concentrates by Bacterial Flora before and after Mutation. BioMed Research International. 20131-10. (SCI, IF=2.583)

18. Xuehui Xie, Wenxiang Zhu, Na Liu and Jianshe Liu*. Bacterial community composition in reclaimed andunreclaimed tailings of Dexing copper mine, China. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2013, 12(30), 4841-4849. (SCI, IF= 0.56)

19. Xuehui Xie, Shengmu Xiao, Jianshe Liu. Microbial communities in acid mine drainage and their interaction with pyrite surface. Current Microbiology. 2009, 59 (1): 71-77. (SCI, IF=1.33) 


1. 柳建设,谢学辉,肖升木,王志楼。发明专利“一种便利凝胶染色装置” 201129日授权,专利号ZL200810202421.7。

2. 陈小光,谢学辉,王兆慧,柳建设。实用新型专利一种旋流式结晶除磷反应器”,2012411日授权,专利ZL201120279473.1

3. 谢学辉,朱文祥,崔彦召,陈小光,袁学武,范凤霞,平婧,柳建设。发明专利“一种温度可控型细菌对矿物选择性浸出装置”,2014226日授权,专利号:ZL201210199228.9

4. 谢学辉,朱文祥,柳建设,肖冬雪,袁瑞霞,周倩,竹斌耀,刘娜,郭耀广,娄晓祎。发明专利“一种便于离心管漩涡振荡操作的固定装置”,201517日授权,专利号:ZL201310027689.2

5. 柳建设于文娟,谢学辉。发明专利“一种脱色多种活性染料的细菌的筛选方法”,专利申请号:201110170426.82014416日授权,专利号:ZL201110170426.8

6. 陈小光,向心怡,谢学辉,张萌,沈忱思,黄丹平等。实用新型专利“两段内循环一体式矩形厌氧消化器”,2015121日授权,专利号ZL201420497001.7

7. 陈小光,张恺,马承愚,谢学辉,戴若彬,柳建设。发明专利“三段一体式矩形厌氧消化器”,2014723日授权,专利号:ZL201310231996.2

8. 陈小光,刘宁,刘洪波,柳建设,马承愚,谢学辉,王振希,徐晓雪,崔彦召。发明专利“一种连体式含硫废气净化装置”,2014813日授权,专利号ZL201210129510.X

9. 陈小光,戴若彬,向心怡,李岗,徐正启,谢学辉,黄丹平等。发明专利“一种气升式外循环涡旋强化生物脱氮反应器”,2016330日授权,专利号ZL201410321199.8

10. 谢学辉,俞承志,郑秀林,张庆云,刘娜,柳建设。“一种快速液体氧气指示剂及其制备方法和应用”,国家发明专利,201964日授权,专利号ZL201710096169.5

11. 谢学辉,俞承志,郑秀林,张庆云,刘娜,柳建设。“一株广谱高效脱色偶氮染料的肺炎克雷伯氏菌株KL1及其应用”,国家发明专利,20191231日授权,授权公告号CN106754566B


1. 获得大阳城集团娱乐网站教师2011-2012年度“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号。

2. 获得2013-2014年度“优秀班导师”荣誉称号。

3. 获得2014-2015年度“五四师德建设青年标兵”荣誉称号。

4. 教学成果 “纺织污染控制项目实践式研究生创新能力培养”,获得2015年“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等公司产品成果奖“三等奖”。排名第三。

5. 指导俞承志本科生毕业论文获得“2017年度全国高校环境类专业本科生优秀毕业论文”优秀称号。

6. 教学成果 “优化环境科学专业课程体系,强化产学研融合实践教学,培养生态环境创新人才”,获得2019“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等公司产品成果奖“三等奖”。排名第五。